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The Western Style Log House Restaurant in Ofunato


So, you’ve come this far up-north to the Tohoku Area and I’m sure you’ve indulged on various kinds of food the area has to offer. And, although these are all oh-so-delicious, aren't your cravings for comfort food at it’s peak? Your stomach is somewhat unsettling and you don’t want to go resort to a fast food chain so you’ve been searching, but couldn’t really find the right spot because it’s all in Japanese and unsure if it’ll be what you had in mind.

 さて、日本本島の北部、ザ・東北まで来てこの地域特有な食べ物に出会い、お腹を十分に満たして来たでしょう。恐らくそれらは期待値以上に美味しかったけれど、自分が慣れ親しんでいる食べ物への欲求は限界に近いのではないですか?いつも食べている食事とは違うからか、ちょっと落ち着かない... なんとなく探していて見つかれば... って考えるけど、折角日本にいるからチェーン店は避けたいし、とはいえそれ以外だとメニューが日本語だったり想像と違うものが出されたりしたら... みたいな感じで悩んでいたりしていませんか?


But have no fear!! You found the right place that introduces the perfect restaurant you were looking for here in Ofunato. Allow me to introduce, BOBBERS, a western style restaurant approximately 2-3 min walking distance from the Ofunato BRT Station. The interior of the restaurant has a log house-like feature which gives a warm, cozy, and welcoming atmosphere. The walls are decorated with the owner, Mr. Masakazu Aoto’s, collection of 70~80’s American signs, and also has his own motorcycle on display!

For those who has a thing or two for motorcycles might’ve guessed, but the restaurant’s name comes from the “Bobber Style” customization method! (Those who are unfamiliar, this is a method where you strip off excess parts and modify in order to increase the speed and performance of the bike.) He named the restaurant as "BOBBERS" in hopes to bring together his years of experience, strip off the unneeded, keep the core of what he holds true, and add minimal modification to make his original restaurant that will ride the coming years with his best performance yet! When I first heard this, I was simply amazed at the cleverness and deepness of thoughts.

 そんなあなたが探しているお店がこの大船渡にあると紹介します!!BOBBERS(ボバーズ)、西洋風のレストランで、車が無くても行ける、大船渡駅(BRT)から徒歩2~3分程の距離にあるお店です。室内はログハウス風に作られており、暖かい雰囲気を漂わせていて居心地もまた最高です!さらには、オーナーの アオト マサカズ さんご自身が集めたアメリカの70~80年代のサインやオーナー自身のバイクも展示されていたりします!


English Menu w. pictures

Okay, okay. So why the sudden recommendation of this store?

Those of you keen on the articles I write may have a guess... This restaurant is the second restaurant in which I have helped to create an English menu!! There are some refinements still planned in the future, for the time being, we have created a menu which almost identically traces the Japanese menu.

 まぁ、内容はわかるけど、急にどうした?大丈夫?と思っている方もいるでしょう。あるいは、私が書いた記事を読まれている方であれば気付いたかもしれませんが... こちらのお店は私が英語メニューの作成の手伝いをさせて頂いた2店舗目となります!多少の修正をはまだまだ計画しているところですが、日本語メニューをなぞった試作品がひと段落したのでこの記事を通して紹介しています!

The beverage section is one part I had put emphasis on, and this is due to the large variety they supply. Once you enter the restaurant, you will undoubtedly spot the unlimited line up of alcoholic beverages behind the bar counter. What started out with only a few when the restaurant first started, slowly grew as the owner began to take in recommendations from their regulars. Additionally, the handpicked top-notch wine selection, alongside their wide variety of beers from around the world, and I can't forget to mention their love towards local craft beers made in Iwate makes the line up that much better.


Buffalo Chicken 10 pc

But I digress.

Enough with the alcohol and on with the food! The food is exactly what we are here for, are we not? And what BOBBERS serves hits just the spot to settle your cravings for comfort foods. I cannot stress enough their Buffalo Wings, Onion Rings, Nachos, Pork Back-Ribs, and last but not least the Pizza! Maybe a little more than one had expected, although I will state here with my head held high that you will not regret coming here to try them out. (Note, they also serve other foods which use locally branded ingredients!)




Pork Back-Ribs

The Buffalo Wings and the Pork Back-Ribs are without a doubt two of the most popular foods on the menu. The spice on their standard buffalo wings is seasoned just right with the barbeque style ting, and the Ribs are prepared in a slow cook style to delicately to keep the juicy flavor of the meat but also make it soft yet tender enough that you can easily peel off the meat from the bone!


Of course, I don’t want to leave out the Pepperoni Pizza!!

What I really want to point out is the fact that the owner is not one to hold out on the amount of pepperoni used on the pepperoni pizza. You can see in the picture that the pie is overflowing with pepperoni, just how a pepperoni pizza should be.



Pepperoni Pizza

I will also note that their dishes which features local specialties are something you should try! Although, since it changes seasonally, this may be listed on a different menu. Those who are in it for the challenge can maybe try and ask directly, but my advice for those who want to be safe is to ask if they have a picture or two of the seasonal dish to be double sure of what will be in it!


Interview with the Owner:

[Question] What do you keep important here at BOBBERS?

[Masakazu] Its almost been 6 years since we started here, before this we actually had a different place slightly down the road from here which I started back in 2005. Many things happened between then and now, which I won’t go into detail here, but even through those time I’ve come to continue what I’m doing. It all started with me just wanting to eat what I want to eat, preparing it myself, and serve it to who I want. Of course, it hasn't been a smooth road and there will most likely be more trials and errors to come, but even through that I want to make sure to keep this welcoming atmosphere filled with Harleys and slightly outdated signs for a bit longer.


[質問] このレストランで大事にしているモノ・コトはなんですか?

[Masakazu] ここを初めてからもう6年、いや、実質2005年に少し離れたところでお店をやっていたけど、その間に色々とあってね。詳しいところは割愛するけど、それでも新しい場所ではあるけど今もこうやって続けている。全ては俺が食べたいものを食べるために作って、それを食べたいと思ってくれる人に提供するところから始まってた。もちろん、今までも楽な道のりとは言い難いし、これからも荒い道のりがあるだろうけど、趣味のバイクやちょっと古いサインと一緒にこのまま温かい雰囲気を提供し続けられるようにしたいと思ってる。

Muscat Grape Cider mixed with Local brewery

made sake – “The Forty-Five”

[Question] Why are there so many varieties in alcohol?

[Masakazu] Ah... haha. It’s funny because we started out with only a few actually. But as we continued, our customers either brrought in their own bottles or recommended us to stock up on a so-and-so brand. We don’t 'keep' any bottles for any one customer, but each bottle more or less pretty much has a customer’s name on it. Haha. But the wines and beers too, I mean the wines are hand-picked to match the food but we make sure to stock up on the local wines and beers as much as possible. Your favorite Bobber’s original cocktail drink, the 45 “Forty-Five” is a mix of the locally made sake and locally harvested muscat grape cider from around these parts. Just like that each bottle has its own little episode and it just keeps growing.

[質問] どうしてこんなにアルコールの種類が多いのでしょうか?

[Masakazu] あー...ははは。いや、最初はもっと少なかったんだ。ただ、お店を続けていくうちに客も増えて、常連が定着するようになって、そんな人たちが自分の好みのお酒を持ってきたり、勧めて来たりして徐々に増えていったんだ。お店ではボトルをキープしたりしないけど、ボトルによってはもう名前が付いているのも同然なのは多いかな。後は、パッと見えないかもしれないけど、ビールもワインも数は確かに多いな。ワインは食事に合うように揃えようとしていて、ビールは外国産のもそうだけど、地ビールを積極的に置くようにしているよ。君が好きな(ボバーズのオリジナルカクテル)「フォーティーファイブ」 だって地酒の酒仙と隣の市で作られているマスカットサイダーがベースだからね。そういう感じで、今ではどのお酒もちょっとした思い出があってどんどん増えていくんだ。

[Question] Any last comments to your future customers for outside of Japan?

[Masakazu] Ah, yeah. I’ve ridden a bike in America in the past, but my communication at the time was mostly body language, facial expressions and pointing, Haha. But I feel like that was one of the reasons why I had a great time and why my memories when I visited are so clear. You’re more than welcome to come with a group of friends, but you’re also welcome coming alone. There is a chance that there may be miscommunications along the way, but no need to feel nervous! Just relax and have fun!

[質問] 最後に、海外から訪れてくるかもしれない方々にコメント等ありますか?

[Masakazu] そうだね... 俺は海外でバイクに乗ったことはあるけど、英語が話せるわけじゃない。当時は身振り手振りと勢いで何とかなったし、そういうのがあったからこそ思い出深かかったと思ってる。だから、グループで来てくれても一人でも来てくれてもいいし、日本語が苦手でも立ち寄ってもらいたい。コミュニケーションは万全ではないかもしれないけど、緊張せずにリラックス出来る場所なので是非来てください!


Address: Iwate-ken, Ofunato-shi, Ofunato-cho, Nonoda 12

Established: 2017

Owner: Masakazu Aoto

Type: Bar/Restaurant

Hours: Everyday excl. Sunday 18:00 ~ 25:00


- Smoking is permitted indoors. 

- Kindly call the waiter/waitress by ringing the bell.

- Aimed more for adult groups than families with kids.

- Ask for English Menu separately. You can also order by pointing at pictures.

- Ask for water separately if needed.

- Credit Cards/Pay-pay are allowed.

- Information on Google are relatively up-to-date

- 室内での喫煙可。

- テーブルのベルを使用して店員に声掛けください。

- 家族連れよりかは大人グループ寄りのお店。

- 英語メニューは店員に聞いて、あるいは写真を見せて注文するのも良し。

- 水が欲しい場合は別途注文。

- クレジットカード、Paypayの使用可。

- グーグル上の情報が比較的更新されやすい。

New York Style Cheese Cake


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