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Sanriku, Ofunato Summer Festival 2023 (Details)


Since I already dedicated a page to introduce the overall image of Sanriku, Ofunato Summer Festival in a separate page, for details on what you can expect please visit the page below:

Kindly use this page to confirm detailed information specific to that of the summer festival held on 2023.

Date: August 4th, 2023 and August 5th, 2023

Time: August 4th, 2023 (Fri) - 16:00 to 21:00

August 5th, 2023 (Sat) - 11:00 to 20:45

*Writer's note 1* The First Day (Aug 4th), is the pre-ceremony, meaning food stands will not be opened. The pre-ceremony will consist of the performance done atop Ofunatomaru, (a large flat boat used as a stage) which will be touring 3 harbors within Ofunato Bay. Specific timing and performer details will be noted in the Schedule. The main festival will take place on the Second Day. (Aug 5th)


August 4th (Friday)

Pre-ceremony - Live Performance Tour

16:00 (@Chayamae Breakwater)

Departing of the Stage Boat

17:00 ~ 17:50 (@Takonoura Harbor)

First Special Live Performance

- Performance: Momoko Osawa, Washo Kamata, Ryuta Ten, Wajima Kiriko Taiko Drums, and Celebratory Mochi Giveaway

18:20 ~ 19:10 (@New Hosoura Harbor)

Second Special Live Performance

- Performance: XUXU, Yu Mizuki, Eiko Hamamori, Wajima Kiriko Taiko Drums, and Celebratory Mochi Giveaway

20:10 ~ 21:30 (@New Hosoura Harbor)

Final Special Live Performance

- Performance: Momoko Osawa, Washo Kamata, XUXU, Yu Mizuki, Ryuta Ten, Eiko Hamamori, Wajima Kiriko Taiko Drums, and Celebratory Mochi Giveaway

*Writer's Note2* Due to weather conditions, some performances may be canceled/changed without notice.

August 5th (Saturday)

Kyassen's Summer Festival *Some information are still pending.

11:00 ~ 21:00 (@Kyassen Mall and Patio Area)

- Live Events, Music, Food Stands, Festival Booths, and more!

- Pay for booths using tickets on sale at the Admin Tent (11 tickets each worth 100yen available for 1000 yen.

- Parking Lot (fee of 3000 yen) available for 60 cars. (Reservation must be made in advance)

- Additional small festival areas will be set up in the near by areas. (Yume-Yokocho, Kamome Terrace, Banzai Factory Lawn.

- Places outside of the fee-charged parking lot can be used as spots to view fireworks.

*Writer's Note3* Technically a different festival to that of the Sanriku, Ofunato Festival, since the committee is different, but is done on the same day to make the day even more festive.

Sanriku, Ofunato Summer Festival ~Main Event~

15:00 ~ 15:30 (@Kyassen Mall and Patio Area)

Openning Parade

15:45 ~ 16:30 (@Chaya-mae Break Water Gate)

Openning Ceremony

- Located right where the Live Stage Performance will be held

16:50 ~ 18:35 (@Chaya-mae Break Water Gate Area)

Live Performance Stage Event

- Performers: Momoko Osawa, Washo Kamata, XUXU, Ryuta Ten, Yu Mizuki, Eiko Hamamori

18:00 (@Chaya-mae Break Water Gate Entrance)

Bamboo Art Lighting

18:30 (@Chaya-mae Break Water Gate Entrance Perimeter)

Streetlight Bonfire Lighting

18:45 ~ 19:30 (@Along the Route 230 Road, in from of Kyassen Mall and Patio to Kamome Terrace)

Ofunato Dochu Odori

- Traditional Festival Dance with over 200 people dancing

- Taiko drums as well as traditional Japanese flutes will also be playing

20:00 ~ 20:45 (@Ofunato Bay)

Fireworks Show!!!!

- All area are generally open to the public. (Aside from specified pay-to-enter area.)

- Area where the stage event will be held is a popular spot that is relatively close

- Do not stand/sit on the evacuation stairs of the breakwater

- Please be mindful of your surroundings


List of Suggested Parking Lots:

- Parking Lot 1 (biggest, 20-30 min walk to festival)

- Parking Lot 2 (relatively large, 10-15 min walk to festival)

- Ofunato Fish Market (slightly large, 5-10 min walk to festival)

- Maiya & DMC Parking Lot (advise only using it for short stay)

*Roadside parking is generally not allowed. Kindly find a spot in a places listed above, or open areas nearby. Be sure to not park in private places like someone's home. If you are unsure, if you are parking in a private area, use the link in the parking lots list above.

Festival Foods:

- Some food have limited quantity and although the booths will bring many supplies it will run out. You can always buy it and have it boxed or bagged for later!

- Most food booths will have pictures or will have the food cooking or cooked already. Its okay to ask questions, but don't get too close! You can also ask to have it warmed up if you think its cold!

- Lunch is a prime time for these food stands, hence you will most likely wait.


- Be careful of dehydration!! Aside from buying beverages from the stands, bring a bag with some water!

- Be sure to use the cross-walk when crossing the road!

- There are no rules saying that masks are required, but do be careful of your hygienes.

- After using the tables/chairs, please kindly clean up after yourself. Garbage bins should be located by the food court area.


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